How To Choose A Musical Instrument For Your Child
Most parents love the idea of their kid playing a musical instrument, not only because of the wonderful melodies their house will be filled with, but also due to the many benefits kids gain while learning how to play a musical instrument. However, the process of learning a musical instrument requires a lot of practice and can be pretty challenging, which can be a rather discouraging factor for kids. Choosing a musical instrument that is suitable for your kid is much likely to help them overcome the difficulties and keep on practicing. So, how do you choose a musical instrument that is right for your kids?
Choose a musical instrument based on body type
Every instrument has its own requirements regarding the physical characteristics of the player. Characteristics such as height, size of hands or lips, physical strength, etc. are things you should have in mind before you choose a musical instrument for your kid. A cello, for example, may have a wonderful sound, however it may not be the ideal choice for young kids, because its size and weight require a physical strength that young kids haven’t developed yet. On the other hand, if your kid has long fingers or large hands, playing the piano would be a good choice for them. Luckily, there are musical instruments (such as the guitar) that are also available in kids’ size, so that their physical characteristics do not impede their practice. Also, don’t forget that choosing a musical instrument is not a choice for life. As your kids grow older and develop more physical abilities, they can attempt to learn other musical instruments too.
Practical things to consider
The first thing one needs when learning a musical instrument is enthusiasm and determination. But, there are other, more practical things that you have to take under consideration in order to achieve your goal. So, before you choose a musical instrument for your kid you should make a little research and find information on:
- costs. This does not only refer to the cost of the instrument itself, but also to the cost of its maintenance, the lessons provided and the cost of any additional equipment your kid may need.
- availability of teachers. Learning an exotic musical instrument, for example, may seem an exciting idea, but is it plausible? Before reaching a final decision, check whether there are respective teachers or music schools in your area. In case your kid is a little older you may even consider starting off with online lessons.
Your kid knows better
It may sound funny, but when it comes to preferences, yes! Your kid knows better! Many times parents try to persuade their kids to choose a musical instrument they like better, even if the kid is not attracted to it at all, hoping that their kid will change their mind as time passes by. However, being enthusiastic is a key part when starting to learn a musical instrument and if kids feel that they are “obliged” to do so, they are most likely to stop practicing and give up after some time. So, no matter whether you prefer or even play a certain musical instrument, let your kid choose the musical instrument they themselves like.
Many times kids choose a musical instrument based on their personality, although they might not even realize it. For example, kids who are more introvert and shy might prefer learning an instrument that can be learned and performed solo, such as the piano, whereas kids who like to be the center of attention may choose instruments that are usually lead instruments in a band.
Letting your kids choose a musical instrument doesn’t mean that you should be uninvolved in the whole choosing process. On the contrary, there are many ways you can help your kid decide what is best for them. One of the best practices you can follow is to have them exposed to a variety of musical instruments, so that they can experiment and pick the one they like best. Apart from enrolling them at music classes that aim at bringing kids in contact with various instruments through play, there are other ways that may be easier or even cheaper for you. YouTube is a great tool to use, since you can watch videos of concerts or children orchestras to help them get an idea of what instruments sound like or how they are played. It is also great because there is a great variety of different melodies played by a single instrument, so that your kid can discover how different a musical instrument may sound like depending on the music genre.
Don’t forget that you can also use “Musical Instruments for Kids“, our mobile app which has been designed to do just that: inspire kids to learn a musical instrument! With 48 instruments and more than 200 melodies could you wish for anything better?